We use the ldms version 9.0. Our Inventory data regarding display informations consists of many wmi details like Manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, etc. But there is no property that shows us if the display is active and in a connected state. But this property is inventored and mentioned in the provLSMClient.mof file:
"[read : ToSubClass, Description("This atribute tells if the monitor is currently in use by the system.")] boolean InUse;"
This value is also provided in the LD_DesktopMonitor wmi class. But it is not processed by the LDISCN32.EXE to the INVDELTA.DAT. So we don't have these propertys in the inventory database and cannot differentiate between active displays and all the other displays that were formerly connected to this device. Some clients have up to 30 displays connected in the past. How do you handle these inaccurate informations?
Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Greetings, Willem