Hi I extend the Inventory with a XML-File.
see: http://www.droppedpackets.org/misc/extend-the-schema/
I am inserting new values inside the NEW table and set a trigger which fill out the Computer_IDN. This is working great -> I am able to see the Onventoty values inside LDMS.
I created Policies which are using Queries. The Queries aer linked to my new inventory informations.
Now I want that a PC get his Software after a reinstallation. The problem is that somebody from the Helpdesk is deleting the old PC . So LDMS will delete all values inside my Table I am loosing my informations for the new PC. Is there a way inside LDMS that it will not delete these informations?
I tried it with DB rights. But LDMS is not able to delete a device if it can not delete the informations from my Table.
best regards